Water Trucks
Fluid Trans
Fuel & Evac
Read some of the feedback we have received from our clients:
Dylan Vadnjal, Gato Sales and Repairs
I would recommend any OEM or equipment reseller consider using Ifield Products and Hyden Engineering as they have proven to be professionals and have provided fanatic backup.
Nigel Pearce, Plant Manager, Comiskey Mining Services
Comiskey have used the products and services of Hyden Engineering for over 5-years and during this time they have proven themselves to be an outstanding service company providing 24/7 backup and support for not only their specialized products but also for competitor products.
Comiskey have a significant fleet of equipment including a large range of water trucks and I have no hesitation when optioning Hyden designed sprays system as they perform to mining ground speed requirements and are good value for money.
I recommend their EnviroSpray system to other fleet owners.
Paul Fisher, Maintenance Supervisor, NSW division, Emeco International Pty Ltd.
The Easilube system delivers more frequent shots of grease, in small amounts, to the bearings whilst under load; greasing is proportional to machine use. Easilube solved many lubrication problems and has been used almost exclusively on our Rental Fleet since 1997.
Hyden Engineering provides support that goes beyond the supply and installation stage. You don’t just get a system that they want to sell you; they combine the equipment and environmental requirements with our needs. Their innovation and lateral thinking are the keys to product success; a first class product and an outstanding company.
Dave Warrell, Maintenance Co-ordinator for German Creek Mine, Capricorn Coal Management Pty Ltd.
Easilube has been in use on machines at the German Creek mine site since 1998. The simplicity of Easilube results in high reliability and the large see-through canisters has simplified monitoring.
Paul Wilde, Wilde Earth Moving, Moree, NSW
For earth moving in remote areas the simple Easilube system with a cartridge is the logical choice.
Ian Bartholomew, Planning and Systems Superintendent, Bulga Mine, Oakbridge
The high levels of vibration, experienced on large dozers, proved beyond the capability of reciprocating pumps and electrical equipment as used in many lube systems. Easilube avoids these weaknesses and are now in general use at the Bulga mine.
Andrew Dal Broi, Farmer, Griffith, NSW
The Horwood Bagshaw laser scraper operates in a dust-storm with high levels of vibration. The cartridge style Easilube has proven to be an absolutely reliable on board greasing system and there has almost zero wear at the bearings after 5000-hrs service.
Stephen Ord, NSW Operations Manager, Oldenburg Stamler Australia
For underground coal mining, products have to be simple and tough. Easilube meets this criteria and is used on almost every machine type at the Myuna mine
Barry Moore, Mechanical Engineer, Myuna mine, Centennial Coal
The Stamler Feeder Breaker typically operates without personnel in the direct vicinity and routine greasing can easily be overlooked. Easilube with the cartridge or larger canisters has provided an excellent on board grease feed system without the need for any electrical control equipment.